
We strive to supply all our customers with great quality products that meet their needs. We are always happy to help and will do so with a smile!


We are able to offer same day or next day delivery on most stock items. (this excludes windows & doors). Orders under £150 will be subject to a £25+ VAT delivery charge. (dependent on delivery area from our post code).


We aim to keep a well stocked rack so products are readily available. For non stock fascia and guttering items, a lead time of 2/3 days is average. Windows, doors, bifold doors and roof lanterns are not held in stock as these are bespoke made to measure items. Please enquire if you need to know a lead time to complete your project.


We have many years of experience in the building trade. We can help overcome problems and also take off plans for your next project. We are here to help!


We work on a best price first time policy. We understand how frustrating it is to haggle, so walk in, pick anything up and ask us!